Novell Audit 2.0.2 MSSQL Channel
Microsoft SQL 2005
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Does Novell Audit support Microsoft SQL Server 2005?
[Novell Audit]: Driver lgdmssql.dll failed to load from
C:\Program Files\Novell\Nsure Audit. Error 2
How do you get Novell Audit to work with Microsoft SQL Server
The Novell documentation for Novell Audit 2.0.2 states that
only SQL 2000 is the supported database for Novell Audit
2.0.2. The link to the documentation is found at:
However, it is possible to successfully write to a Microsoft
SQL Server 2005 using the native Microsoft SQL driver
(lgdmssql.dll), or using the JDBC driver. This TID contains
the information necessary to write data to Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL 2005 Rights assignments, user and
database creation:
The first thing you need to do is make sure that the rights
you have assigned to MS SQL 2005 are correct. Please perform
the following steps to create a Novell Audit user account and
a Novell Audit database:
1.) Go to "SQL Server Management Studio" and
login. Make sure you login using an account that has
sufficient rights to create databases, user accounts, and so
2.) Expand the "Security" section on the left
3.) Click once on "Logins". Right click on"Logins" and select "New Login...".
4.) You will now give a "Login name:". Typically
this is something, such as "auditusr" (without quotes).
5.) You will want to select "SQL Server authentication"
and give your audit user a password. When you select "SQL
Server authentication", please uncheck"User must change password at next login", "Enforce password
expiration", and "Enforce password policy". (If you do not
uncheck these three options, you will have to manage the password
for your Novell Audit user.) Now click on the "OK"
6.) Now highlight "Databases". Right click and
select "New Database...".
7.) Now give the new database a name. You can use
something such as "naudit". Please remember the name and case
that you give. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is case
sensitive. Now click on the "OK" button.
8.) Now add the new user account to the new
9.) Starting with the "Databases", go to the newly
created database (naudit), open up "Security" and click on"Users". Right click on "Users" and select "New
User...". For "User name:" enter in the name that you created
in step 4 above. In step 4, we used "auditusr".
10.) Next, go to "Login name:" and click on the box with
the ". . ." in the box. Click on the "Browse" button.
This will bring up a list of users in the MS SQL Server 2005
database. Select the user that you created in step 4 above
and click on the "OK" button twice. (You select the user here
by putting a check next to the user's name.)
11.) You should still be at the screen where you can set
the "Database role_membership". (This is the same screen that
you started on in step 10 above.) Put a check next to"db_datareader", "db_datawriter", and "db_owner". Once you
have selected these three database role memberships, click on the"OK" button.
12.) Go back to the global Security option and go to
Logins. You should see your auditusr here. Double click
on the auditusr account. Go to the "Default database:" and
change it from "master" to database name that you gave in step 7
above. In step 7, "naudit" was the name used when creating
the database. Click on the "OK" button to save your
13.) You can now close "SQL Server Management
Now your database is configured to accept data from your
Secure Logging Server.
Running your Secure Logging Server (SLS) from Windows
using the native SQL driver (lgdmssql.dll):
Novell Audit has a dependency on NTWDBLIB.DLL.
NTWDBLIB.DLL is a Microsoft DB library DLL. NTWDBLIB.DLL came
bundled with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, but is not included in
Microsoft SQL Server 2005. What you will need to do is
check the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory on your Microsoft server
and look for NTWDBLIB.DLL. If NTWDBLIB.DLL does not
exist, then you can download Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP4 patch,
extract it out, and copy the NTWDBLIB.DLL from MS SQL Server 2000
SP4 into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory. Failure to obtain
and use NTWDBLIB.DLL will result in lengine.exe failing to
If you are not comfortable using NTWDBLIB.DLL from Microsoft
SQL 2000 SP4, you can use JDBC to connect to the database.
Please see
https://www.novell.com/documentation/novellaudit20/index.html?page=/documentation/novellaudit20/novellaudit20/data/brhqp4e.html#brhqp4e from
the online documentation for further details. You can use a
third-party, open source JDBC driver (jtds) found at http://jtds.sourceforge.net/
to connect to your MS SQL 2005 server.