Setup LDAP authentication on OES Linux for Apache2

  • 3304624
  • 10-Apr-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server
Suse Linux Enterprise Server


  1. Go to yast and enable following modules under apache modules:ldap, auth_ldap
  2. Enter following lines to any directory directive that you want to provide with LDAP authenticated access

AuthType Basic
AuthName "protected"
AuthLDAPAuthoritative On
require valid-user
AuthLDAPURL ldap://

This is a basic setup. There are more directives you can use, and more examples listed on apache home page:

full example:

Alias /test1 "/media/nss/VOL1/test1"

AuthType Basic
AuthName "protected"
AuthLDAPAuthoritative On
AuthLDAPURL ldap://
require valid-user
DirectoryIndex index.html
Options all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all