Unable to add replica using ConsoleOne Error 602

  • 3299059
  • 06-Mar-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory for NetWare 6.5


Trying to add replica of a Partition on a Server using ConsoleOne fails with Error 602
Error: 602 -602 0xFFFFFDA6 = ERR_NO_SUCH_VALUE when adding a replica


  1. Go to Server Console and load Dsrepair.
  2. Go to Advanced Option Menu | Replica and Partition Operations
  3. Highlight the Partition you are trying to add and hit enter.
  4. Hit Enter at View Replica Ring and check wether that partition has any Master Replica holding Server.
  5. Follow steps 3 & 4 for direct child partitions of the Partition you are trying to add and identify the partition that does not have a Master Replica.
  6. Once you identify the partition which does not have a Master Replica follow the following steps on one of the Read/Write replica holding Server :-
  • On the Server Console load DSREPAIR | Advanced Options Menu | Replica and Partition Operations | Highlight the partition that doesnot have a Master replica | Hit Enter | Designate this Server as the Master.

Additional Information

The partition being added had a child Partition which didn't have a Master Replica.