Novell eDirectory for
NetWare 6.5
Trying to add replica of a
Partition on a Server using ConsoleOne fails with Error 602
Error: 602 -602 0xFFFFFDA6 =
ERR_NO_SUCH_VALUE when adding a replica
- Go to Server Console and load Dsrepair.
- Go to Advanced Option Menu | Replica and Partition Operations
- Highlight the Partition you are trying to add and hit enter.
- Hit Enter at View Replica Ring and check wether that partition has any Master Replica holding Server.
- Follow steps 3 & 4 for direct child partitions of the Partition you are trying to add and identify the partition that does not have a Master Replica.
- Once you identify the partition which does not have a Master Replica follow the following steps on one of the Read/Write replica holding Server :-
- On the Server Console load DSREPAIR | Advanced Options Menu | Replica and Partition Operations | Highlight the partition that doesnot have a Master replica | Hit Enter | Designate this Server as the Master.
Additional Information
The partition being added had a
child Partition which didn't have a Master Replica.