Tried to install eDirectory during the OES2 setup. Install fails with a -625 error message. After an OES2 setup without eDirectory installation, the same happens when trying
to add the server into the tree via yast or ndsconfig.
Here's an example ndsd.log from a failed attempt.
Starting the service 'ndsd'... Done.
Checking if server is ready to service requests... Done
Logging into the tree as "cn=admin.o=novell". Please wait...
transport failure
ERROR -625: Setup for NDS installation failed.
Please make certain that you have provided the complete server and admin
Stopping the service 'ndsd'... Done.
The NCP Packet Signature on the other servers in the tree was set to 2. If you change it to the default, 1, the eDirectory installation will complete successfully.
Monitor -> Server Parameters -> NCP -> NCP Packet Signature Option
Set the value to 1. The server must be restarted for this to take affect.