Novell User Application 3.0.1
Novell User Application 3.0
Novell Identity Manager 3.0.1
Novell Identity Manager 3.0
Can the "Requests & Approval" Tab be removed from the
Header Portlet?
Is it possible to remove the "Requests & Approvals" tab
from appearing in the User Application when users login?
The ability to have "Requests & Approvals" tab appear or not is
based upon a preference in the Header Portlet. Below are the
steps to accomplish this:
1. Login to the User Application as the admin user
2. Select the Administration Tab
3. Select the Portlet admin Tab
4. Press the plus (+) sign next to the WAR (i.e.: IDM)
5. Press the plus (+) sign next to the HeaderPortlet
6. Select the HeaderPortlet instance (this is the one with the Green Arrow on it)
7. Select the Preferences Tab
8. Find the preference: "Show Requests and Approvals", it will be set to 'Show'
9. Using the Dropdown box change the value to 'Hide' and press the Save Preferences Button
10. Now press the Detail Link next to Hide and change the value from Show to Hide for all of the Languages that might access this Application and then press Save again.
11. Press the Identity Self-Service Tab and the "Requests & Approvals Tab" will no longer appear
1. Login to the User Application as the admin user
2. Select the Administration Tab
3. Select the Portlet admin Tab
4. Press the plus (+) sign next to the WAR (i.e.: IDM)
5. Press the plus (+) sign next to the HeaderPortlet
6. Select the HeaderPortlet instance (this is the one with the Green Arrow on it)
7. Select the Preferences Tab
8. Find the preference: "Show Requests and Approvals", it will be set to 'Show'
9. Using the Dropdown box change the value to 'Hide' and press the Save Preferences Button
10. Now press the Detail Link next to Hide and change the value from Show to Hide for all of the Languages that might access this Application and then press Save again.
11. Press the Identity Self-Service Tab and the "Requests & Approvals Tab" will no longer appear