Collection server creating Unhandled exceptions and crashes

  • 3287868
  • 27-Feb-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7 Asset Management - ZAM7 with Interim Release 13 applied


Collection server randomly crashes due to Unhandled Exceptions creating core.dmp files within the Collection Server's \logs directory.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

Items that most likely can cause the Collection server to crash have been verified and are listed below:
1. All Collection server threads within the Collection server settings are set to the default of 1.
2. Lost and Found is Disabled within the Enterprise options settings.
3. Removed duplicate workstaionOID's from the workstation's registries
4. All the servers have been converted to use tnsnames.ora instead of ldap.
5. All Oracle client versions have been udpated to match the Oracle server.
6. Reset the Client checkin time to the default of 180 vs the 60 minutes they had it set to since there are 5000+ clients connecting to the collection server.