Possible NAL crash when app is associated to a group that contains a "group description" of more than 248 charachters.

  • 3285073
  • 05-May-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Support Pack 2 - ZDM6.5 SP2 Application Launcher (NAL)
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management - ZDM7 Application Launcher (NAL)
Novell ZENworks for Desktops 4 - ZFD4


Possible NAL crash when app is associated to a group that contains a "group description" of more than 248 characters.


For ZfD4: Fixed in zenlite.dll dated 1 April 2004 or newer in zfd401_ir5.exe or newer found at https://download.novell.com

For ZDM6.5 SP2: fixed in ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management SP2 IR1 or newer found athttps://download.novell.com

Fixed in ZENworks 7 with SP1 Desktop Management, available athttps://download.novell.com

Additional Information

This problem only happens if the Launcher config setting for "Enable all folders" is se to "off", and the start menu item is checked from the associations tab, (Start menu loc mask).

Formerly known as TID# 10092331 NOVL96428