Novell eDirectory 8.8 for All Platforms
Novell iManager 2.6
NCP and LDAP configured to listen on different interfaces using the"ldapinterfaces" attribute on the LDAP server object (feature available only on Novell eDirectory 88 and Novell eDirectory 88 SP1).
NCP and LDAP configured to listen on different interfaces using the"ldapinterfaces" attribute on the LDAP server object (feature available only on Novell eDirectory 88 and Novell eDirectory 88 SP1).
ERROR: NMAS LDAP Transport Error, attempting to use "Set
Universal Password" and "View Password Policy" tasks in Novell
iManager 26 or Novell iManager 26 SP1.
There are 2 separate issues that need to be discussed regarding this error.
1. With Novell eDirectory 88 onwards, it is possible to bind NCP and LDAP to separate interfaces on the same physical host. So, eDirectory might be listening for LDAP (ie. ports 389 and 636) on interface eth0 ONLY and NCP (ie. port 524) on interface eth1 ONLY. This is made possible by specifying the interface name or IPaddress of interface eth0 in the "ldapinterfaces" attribute on the concerned LDAP server object.
Novell iManager 26 and Novell iManager 26 SP1, the Universal Password and Password Policy tasks assumed that NCP and LDAP would listen on the same interface and were not coded to read the"ldapinterfaces" attribute for a distinct LDAP interface. This has been filed as a bug and has been fixed in Novell iManager 26 SP2 release.
2. Another reason for this error could be an empty value on the "ldapinterfaces" attribute on the LDAP server object. This attribute might have an empty value or both a valid and an empty value. In these cases, Novell iManager 26 SP2 will still report this error because although it does have the code for reading the "ldapinterfaces" attribute, it does not know which LDAP interface to connect to. This is a current bug against Novell eDirectory 88.
In order to resolve this situation, follow this procedure:
1. Using the iManager "Modify Object" task under "eDirectory
Administration" Role, browse to the LDAP Server object.
2. Select the "Other" tab and look for the "ldapinterfaces"
3. Delete the empty value. Click on "edit" with"ldapinterfaces" selected. Click the dropdown box in the popup,
select the empty value and press "Delete".
5. Logout of iManager.
6. Clear the browser's cookies and login again.
7. The error should no longer occur using the "Set Universal
Password" and "View Password Policy" tasks.