Reinstalling chained workstation-associated MSI apps may cause NAL to crash

  • 3275457
  • 10-May-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 7 - ZDM7 Application Launcher (NAL)
Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 6.5 - ZDM6.5 Application Launcher (NAL)


If workstation-associated, chained MSI apps are installed, uninstalled, and then reinstalled, all without a reboot, it is possible that NAL may crash, and the Workstation Helper becomes disconnected (if "Unassociated days to uninstall (workstation)" is set to zero, workstation-associated applications may uninstall at this point).


For ZDM7: Fixed in ZENworks 7 with SP1 Desktop Management, available at

For ZDM6.5 SP2: fixed in ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management SP2 IR1 or newer found at