Sentinel: License key problems after installation

  • 3273353
  • 12-Jan-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Sentinel 5.1.1 and earlier.
HostID Licenses Only


***This TID only applies to licenses that are tied to the HostID. All new licenses received from Novell are not tied to the HostID
Problem with license validation after installation.


Possible Cause (1):
Check that the HostId that you supplied when you requested a license key is the same as the current value by running ./hostid.exe under the utilities directory on the install CD.
If the HostId returned does not match the HostId tied to your license key, you need to request another license key for the new HostId.
If the HostId’s match, run the following:
1. (for Windows) On the command line, go to %ESEC_HOME%\utilties and run:
2. (for Solaris) Go to $ESEC_HOME/utilities and run:
3. Select Option 3 to view the Primary Key.

If only "Press Enter to continue ...” is displayed, no Primary key has been entered. Follow the on screen instructions for setting the license key:
If "Invalid Key” is displayed, the Primary Key is invalid. Follow the on screen instructions for setting a new license key.
If the information about your valid key is displayed and if DAS_Query is reporting that it is not licensed to run on your machine, there is a problem with the license validator. Contact e-Security Customer Support.

Possible Cause (2)
If you have multiple NICs on a machine, the NIC tied to your license must remain in the machine.
For windows, the hostid is determined by getting the list of NICs on the machine, then taking the first NIC in the list and using the last 8 digits of it's MAC address.
To rearrange the order of your NICs:
1. Start > Settings > Control Panel, double-click Network and Dial-up Connections. In the menu bar, click Advanced > Advanced Settings...
2. In the Connections area is a list of network connections. This is the order that the hostid.exe gets the NIC cards MAC address. Use the up and down arrows to arrange the order and click OK.

Additional Information

Current Sentinel Maintenance Customers can obtain new licenses that are not tied to the HostID by requesting them from their Novell Sales Representative. The new license will be delivered via the Novell Customer Care Portal.