Novell SecureLogin
Single sign on for Java
Single sign on for Lotus Notes
Single sign on for Firefox
Single sign on for Citrix
Single sign on for Java
Single sign on for Lotus Notes
Single sign on for Firefox
Single sign on for Citrix
JAVA, Firefox, Lotus Notes, and Citrix are discovered during
the NSL installation and the appropriate files, reg settings, etc
are added during the installation.
If SecureLogin is intalled before these products, how does one add single sign on functionality for them later?
If SecureLogin is intalled before these products, how does one add single sign on functionality for them later?
Reinstall SecureLogin to add functionality for one of the products
listed above.
Reinstalling is much easier and safer then trying to hack a solution that could result in an unsupported configuration.
Reinstalling is much easier and safer then trying to hack a solution that could result in an unsupported configuration.