Can't use response file for ZENworks for Servers version 6.5 and higher

  • 3260612
  • 19-Jun-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 6.5 Server Management Support Pack 2 - ZSM6.5 SP2 Tiered Electronic Distribution (TED)
Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management Support Pack 1 - ZSM7 SP1 Tiered Electronic Distribution (TED)


Using a response file such as the one that ships on the ZENworks for Servers installation CD:
and running:
setup /U-sample.txt
for unattended install does not create Distributor or Subscriber objects. It just copies files to the servers.


Unattended silent install using\zfs\tedpol\sfiles\setup.exe /U is no longer supported with versions of ZENworks 6.5 and later.

Additional Information

The response file is different than the template file, which can be created during the GUI installation and re-used in subsequent installations to preserve settings. The template file is fully supported and recommended for this purpose and will create the eDirectory objects appropriately. The template file does not allow for fully unattended installation.