ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1 Remote
When trying to
remote control via the user object in console one, administrators
get the Error: "1759: The selected user has not logged in to any
This happens even though the user actually has logged in and the workstation has authenticated.
This happens even though the user actually has logged in and the workstation has authenticated.
The value of"GinaDLL" needs to set to NWGina.dll in the registry key"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon".
Additional Information
In this case the
registry value for "GinaDLL" was incorrectly set to
msgina.dll which made it so the registry setting "HKLM\Software\Novell\ZENWorks\CurrentUserDN" value was not
getting populated in the registry after user login. This made it
so, the Remote Management Agent thought that no user was logged in
and did not attempt to populate the IP address in the user's object
in NDS. Without this information remote control could not
occur via the user object.