eDirectory 8.7.3
Login scripts
NSS volumes
ERROR:"Error code: 1731:0 The login script file could not be written" when using Nwadmin32 to edit or modify login script
ERROR:"Unknown meaning for error number 0x70: An error occured
writing changes to NDS some data may not have been written" when
using ConsoleOne to edit or modify login script
NSS /NoUserSpaceRestrictions=SYS
Note: Above command will remove space restrictions for all users
in the tree for SYS volume.
Additional Information
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Info
36 5.226961 34567878.0008027f8562 0cd0c668.000000000001 NDS C NDS
Read -> Attribute Name & Value / Login Script
37 5.227807 0cd0c668.000000000001 34567878.0008027f8562 NDS R
38 5.228669 34567878.0008027f8562 0cd0c668.000000000001 NDS C NDS
Modify Entry
39 5.231658 0cd0c668.000000000001 34567878.0008027f8562 NDS R
40 5.231980 34567878.0008027f8562 0cd0c668.000000000001 NDS C NDS
Open Stream -> Login Script
41 5.232625 0cd0c668.000000000001 34567878.0008027f8562 NDS R
42 5.233155 34567878.0008027f8562 0cd0c668.000000000001 NCP C Get
Current Size of File - 0x4B89F3BC4B89
43 5.233251 0cd0c668.000000000001 34567878.0008027f8562 NCP R
44 5.233371 34567878.0008027f8562 0cd0c668.000000000001 NCP C
Write to a File - 0x4B89F3BC4B89
45 5.233506 0cd0c668.000000000001 34567878.0008027f8562 NCP R Out
of disk space
Formerly known as TID# 10101185