Launching MS Office template opens template for editing

  • 3246579
  • 03-Dec-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Support Pack 2 - ZDM6.5 SP2 Application Launcher (NAL)
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1 Application Launcher (NAL)


If an MS Word template (.dot) is used in the path to executable, the template is opened for editing: if the same file is launched from start->run (or other methods, such as appload - see word is launched with a new document based upon the template.
Something similar happens with PowerPoint .pps files - launched through NAL, the pps file is opened within PowerPoint for editing - launched from start->run, the file is run in a slideshow


For the problem with Word Templates:
For ZDM7: Fixed in ZENworks 7 with SP1 Desktop Management, available at
For ZSM6.5 SP2: fixed in ZENworks 6.5 Server Management SP2 IR1a found at

To use this fix, do not put the file in the path to executable, but instead, create a NAL Web application, and put the file in place of the URL, e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\templates\1033\Professional (note you don't need quotes)

As a workaround, the correct command needs to be determined from Windows Explorer: from the Windows Explorer Tools option, select "Folder Options". Then click the "file types" tab, and scroll down the list until you reach the extension that you are concerned with, click on that extension, then click the "Advanced" button. When the "Edit File Type" window opens, click the "open" action, then the "edit" button. The command shown in the "Application used to perform action", is the command that needs to be used. For example, to launch a Windows .dot file called "Mytemplate", it would look like this

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10101042 NOVL105821