Error: File Protocol error occurred: cannot open the NSS version file on the selected server.

  • 3244716
  • 27-Feb-2007
  • 31-May-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5 SP3
Novell NetWare 6.5 SP2
Storage Plug-in for iManager 2.5


Upgraded to iManager 2.5 and attempting to use the Storage Plug-in to manage NSS volumes.
Error: File Protocol error occurred: cannot open the NSS version file on the selected server.
The NSS software may not currently be running on this server.


To install OpenWBEM, download the NetWare 6.5 SP3 Products Overlay CD from
Be sure and get the PRODUCTS CD and not the OS CD.

You may have OpenWEBM install but not configured.
Look for a /system/cimom directory.
If there try starting with step 4 below.
For NetWare 6.5 SP3 servers which don't have OpenWBEM installed, do the following:

1. Insert the NetWare 6.5 SP3 Products Overlay CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Browse to the PRODUCTS\OPENWBEM folder. Copy the CIMOM.ZIP to the root of the SYS: volume
3. Unzip the CIMOM.ZIP file to the root of the SYS: volume on the server.
4. At the NetWare console - type: BASH and press enter
5. Generate a certificate for use by openwbem. At the Bash console shell, type the followingl:/system/cimom/etc/openwbem/owgencert
6. At the Bash shell, type EXIT.
7. At the Server Console prompt, enter the following command,openwbem.
8. Add the following line into AUTOEXEC.NCF: Load OPENWBEM.NCF


Top Issue

Additional Information

The new Storage Plug-in for iManager 2.5 (plug-in ships with OES) requires OpenWBEM to be installed on the server for which you are managing the volumes.

Formerly known as TID# 10097611