Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server 9
Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)
Dual Broadcomm NICs
Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)
Dual Broadcomm NICs
ERROR: Could not get an interface for
slave device 'bus-pci-xxxx:xx:xx.x' during system
NIC bonding works correctly, but the network is not initialized properly after a server restart.'rcnetwork restart` must be manually issued to enable bonded network devices.
NIC bonding works correctly, but the network is not initialized properly after a server restart.'rcnetwork restart` must be manually issued to enable bonded network devices.
Enable NIC bonding (teaming) with SLES 9
To configure NIC bonding, follow
the SUSE guide: https://support.novell.com/techcenter/sdb/en/2004/09/tami_sles9_bonding_setup.html.
This should be all that is necessary in most circumstances.
If you experience a problem with the network devices not being initialized properly after a server restart, the NIC driver may not be loading automatically when bond0 is being initialized. To resolve this problem, follow these instructions:
- Edit /etc/sysconfig/kernel
- Set the parameter MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT to
the driver(s) which are needed by the bonding slaves.
For Broadcomm 5700 cards, use bcm5700 or tg3 as in the following example:MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT="bcm5700"orMODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT="tg3" - Reboot the machine and
everything should now work properly.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID#