Messages to Evolution Contact List do not send if email addresses were manually added

  • 3242523
  • 18-Jul-2007
  • 06-Jun-2013


Novell GroupWise 7
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
Evolution 2.6


If you create a GroupWise account in Evolution and then create a Contact List (email group) that is saved in a GroupWise address book
(such as Frequent Contacts), if you manually enter email addresses into the
"Members" list it adds those addresses to the Contact List but messages sent to that
Contact List from Evolution 2.6x are not delivered. The message appears to send
but no message appears on the GroupWise Post Office Agent and none of the
list members actually receive the message.


To workaround the issue, first create new contacts for the users you want to add to the Contact List, and then and then create a new Contact List and drop and drag names from the GroupWise Address Book (Frequent Contacts, etc) into the "Members" field of the new Contact List. If the email addresses are added using drag & drop, the Contact List works and messages sent to that list are delivered correctly.