Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
GroupWise PDA Connect 1.0
Novell GroupWise 7
GroupWise PDA Connect 1.0
Error: "Object Method Failed"
Synchronization aborted due to errors
SyncLog.html shows CRSyncUtil::LogFatalTransError :'UpdateRecord()' API of 'GrpWse' translator for 'Calendar' application returned error 'Object method failed.'
Synchronization aborted due to errors
SyncLog.html shows CRSyncUtil::LogFatalTransError :'UpdateRecord()' API of 'GrpWse' translator for 'Calendar' application returned error 'Object method failed.'
In general this can be reported whenever there is a problem with
the data that PDA Connect is attempting to synchronize. This error
will be reported in the log directly after the item that caused the
problem. Set the log level to 3 (diagnostic) and attempt the sync
again. Once it fails open the SyncLog.html, find the error and
scroll up to see the details of the preceding item. This will
include the Subject line of the offending item. From here you
will need to manually find this Appointment on the pda
and archive or delete the items older than 1970.
In this instance the problem was caused by a reoccurring
appointment starting in 1911 (a birthday) on the PDA. GroupWise
dates start at 1 Jan 1970 so this date is causes an issue. Until a
fix becomes available it will be necessary to remove the
appointment from the PDA. Changing the sync to a one way sync does
not help.
Another customer resolved their issue by uninstalling the GW
6.5.7 client and installing the GW 6.5.6 client with PDA Connect
v7.0.1 plus Hotsync. Although this error is typically caused
by invalid data, this may be something to try as part of your
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10099585