Sentinel: control which NIC hostid you need for license validation

  • 3237710
  • 29-Jan-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server


When there are multiple NIC cards on a machine, how do I control which NIC hostid is required for license validation?


There is a way to control which NIC hostid.exe license validation will use. This is particularly useful when there are multiple NIC cards on a machine or when you add or remove a NIC card. Of course, the NIC card that the license is tied to must remain in the machine.

The hostid is determined by getting the list of NIC's on the machine, then taking the first NIC in the list and using the last 8 digits of its MAC address. The ordering of this list can be controlled in the following way:

1) Open "Start->Settings->Control Panel".

2) From the Control Panel, open "Network and Dial-up Connections"

3) In "Network and Dial-up Connections" menu bar, go to"Advanced->Advanced Settings..."

4) In the "Connections" area is a list of network connections. The order of this list will be the order that the hostid.exe get's the NIC cards. The first ENABLED NIC card in the list (from top) will be the NIC whose MAC address will be grabbed by hostid.exe and the license validation. To reorder the list, use the up and down arrows on the right. You must click "Ok" for the changes to take place.

If a NIC is added or removed, the order of this list may change. You may need to go back in and do a re-ordering.