Print jobs are held at the iPrint Linux server

  • 3232916
  • 06-Dec-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for Linux Open Enterprise Server Support Pack 2


Intermittently, print jobs are held at the iPrint Printer Agent spooling location on the Linux server.
Some print jobs don't make it to the printer.


Update the Linux OES Server using Red Carpet.

Or, download the updated iPrint RPM (novell-iprint-server-5.1.20061109-3.i586.rpm) from here.
Restart the Driver Store and Print Manager after installing the updated RPM.
rcnovell-idsd restart
rcnovell-ipsmd restart
To verify that the patch is installed, type:
rpm -qa | grep iprint-server
The follow should be returned: