Threads, queries and search statistics messages filling up Logger screen

  • 3232411
  • 06-Jun-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell QuickFinder Server 4.x
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 6
Novell Open Enterprise Server (NetWare based)



Several messages suddenly appear in the NetWare Logger screen. They refresh every 60 seconds, filling completely the logger and making it difficult to read.

The messages look like the following:

Total 95:15:46; 132 queries; 1.335 sec/query; 0 > limit; 2 errors;
Threads : 33 running; 33.029 average; 35 peak;
In last 00:00:59; 0 queries; 0 sec/query; 0 > limit; 0 errors;
Total 95:16:46; 132 queries; 1.335 sec/query; 0 > limit; 2 errors;
Threads : 33 running; 33.029 average; 35 peak;
In last 00:00:59; 0 queries; 0 sec/query; 0 > limit; 0 errors;
Total 95:17:46; 132 queries; 1.335 sec/query; 0 > limit; 2 errors;
Threads : 33 running; 33.029 average; 35 peak;
In last 00:00:59; 0 queries; 0 sec/query; 0 > limit; 0 errors;
Total 95:18:45; 132 queries; 1.335 sec/query; 0 > limit; 2 errors;
Threads : 33 running; 33.029 average; 35 peak;
In last 00:00:59; 0 queries; 0 sec/query; 0 > limit; 0 errors;
Total 95:19:45; 132 queries; 1.335 sec/query; 0 > limit; 2 errors;
Threads : 33 running; 33.029 average; 35 peak;
In last 00:00:59; 0 queries; 0 sec/query; 0 > limit; 0 errors;


Novell Quickfinder Server 4.x has been recently installed and/or configured.


These messages are related to the search statistics of the Quickfinder Server. What you need to do is to configure your Quickfinder Server to either not log statistics information to the console, or to use a different refresh rate:

1. On the QuickFinder Server Manager's Global Settings page, click Search under Services Settings

2. Under Statistics Settings, click "Yes" next to "Enable Search Statistics Logging" if you want statistics about searches performed against all virtual search servers on your QuickFinder server, or click "No" if you do not want any statistics logging at all

3. In the "Seconds Between Statistics Updates" field, specify a number (in seconds) that should elapse between updates of the statistics information messages

4. Specify where you want log results displayed by selecting one of the following options from the "Log Debug Messages To" drop-down list:

File:When this option is selected, search statistics will be logged to a file (default is SYS:\qfsearch\SearchStatistic.log) and made available from the browser

Console:When this option is selected the search statistics messages will be shown in the NetWare logger screen, and updated according to the value in seconds specified in the previous step

Both:Displays results in both in file and NetWare Logger screen

5. Don't forget to click "Apply Settings".