Abend in requestr.nlm on NetWare 6.5

  • 3230967
  • 06-Dec-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 6


After applying Support Pack 6 on NetWare 6.5, the server experienced an ABEND in REQUESTR.NLM.


The ABEND can be identified by checking for the line REQUESTR.NLM|TCPRcvCB+329 in the Stack Trace of the ABEND.LOG. The ABEND itself will be inside the SERVER.NLM.
This happen when a servers receives broadcast messages sent by other servers.

Apply the latest updated CLIB / DSAPI patch. NWLIB6K or later.

There are also two workarounds for this ABEND:

  • Backrev REQUESTR.NLM to the version included in NWLIG6G.EXE (if available).
  • Disable Server Broadcasts on the sending server by issuing the following command: "SET Disable Broadcast Notifications Process = ON"