Overwriting an existing ZPM Agent Install

  • 3230498
  • 03-Apr-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.3 - ZPM6.3 Agent


A PatchLink version of the agent was used to install on the workstations and needs to be overwritten with the Novell ZENworks Patch Management version.
Need to overwrite an older version of ZPM agent.


Whether using the command line parameters or a modified UpdateAgent.msi (using Orca), there are times when the new settings will not apply. The agent will re-install, but maintain the old settings.
***NOTE: The only way to get new settings in place is to uninstall the agent first.
This command line will uninstall the agent:
msiexec /uninstall C:\UpdateAgent.msi /quiet
Then the client can install the agent with the desired settings using this command line:

msiexec /i C:\UpdateAgent.msi /quiet REBOOTYESNO=NO REBOOT=SUPPRESS HOST=http://.com SERIAL= USEPROXY=1 PROXYURL=http:// GROUPLIST=;