To Reset Parameters, Chart Type or Event Table of an Active View
When viewing an Active View, you can reset your chart parameters, change your chart type and if there are events of interests you can filter out other events versus creating a new Active View and filter.
To Reset Parameters, Chart Type or Event Table of an Active View
Within an Active View displaying a chart, right-click and select Properties.
Under the Parameters tab, you can set:
- Display Interval - time between each interval
- Refresh Rate - number of seconds for event rate to be updated
- Total Display Time - amount of time to display the chart
- Y-axis - either total Event Count or Event Count per Second
Under the Chart Types tab, you can set your chart to 3D bar, 2D stacked, Line or ribbon charts.
Under the Refine Event Table you can filter Event Field within your Active View.
For example you may filter in events with a specific entry in field, such as DeviceAttackName is exactly Back_Door_Probe (TCP 3128). This will result in an Event table with events that only contain DeviceAttackName equivalent to Back_Door_Probe (TCP 3128).
When refining an event table, you see your filter criteria in the bottom right of the events table.