Novell GroupWise 7
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows Terminal Services 2003
Using Windows 2003 server with Terminal Services. Crash occurs when you login
to the terminal server with the Windows Remote Desktop Client and start
GroupWise and open up a library document into Word. The crash does not occur
if you are logged into the terminal server as "Administrator", but does when
you are a normal user.
Note: Duplicated crash with Office 2000 or Office 2003 using GroupWise 7 SP2 or
SP3 client (4-17-2007 build). Crash occurs when starting the Windows Remote
Desktop Connection client from either Windows 2003 server or Windows XP.
** Steps to duplicate: **
1. Have a functional Windows 2003 server with Office 2000 or 2003 on it (must
be installed before terminal server software) and GW 7 sp2 or sp3 client and
Windows terminal server software installed.
2. Have a functional GW 7 SP2 or sp3 system with a post office with a
functional document management library.
3. On your workstation that you will log into the terminal server from, you
must have the Remote Desktop Connection client software installed to access the
terminal server (install software attached to this defect) .
4. Login to the Windows 2003 terminal server as the logon called
"administrator" and create a normal user windows logon that you must assign to
the Remote Desktop Users and Users (default) windows group under Start,
Adminstrative Tools, Computer Management, Local users and groups, users and
under the properties of your user object, lets say it is called TEST.
5. Also under Start, Administrative tools, Local security Policy, Local
Policies, User Rights assignments:
a. "Allow log on locally", properties , select "Add User or Group" and add
your TEST user.
b. "Allow log on through Terminal Service, properties, select "Add User or
Group" and add your TEST user.
6. While still logged into the windows terminal server as administrator start
GroupWise and create a new document in your library. In the GroupWise client,
File, New, Document, choose "select a document" and the application of
"Microsoft Word Document", click OK. Type a subject and check "Open document
now" and click OK.
Now you will be in MS Word, type "this is a test". File, Save. Now exit word.
You can do Control-Shift-Q to index this document so that it will show up when
you hilite the Authored or Default Library filder under your Documents folder
in the GroupWise client.
7. Now logout as "administrator" from windows and logon as TEST
8. Start your GroupWise client and you will see the last document you added to
the library in the Authored folder, right click it and choose OPEN. After a
few seconds of an hour glass at a blank Word document screen it will crash and
leave memory.
9. Under the Windows Event viewer, Applications, you will see the Winword.exe
application error information. Attached the detailed Dr. Watson information to
this defect.
10. This problem does not occur if you open the document as the Windows
terminal server called "Administrator".
11. Not a problem with writing to the windows SET TEMP variable directory
12. Problem does not occur if you do not use GroupWise client from a Windows
terminal server.. So terminal server rights problem.
This problem has been reported to GroupWise development, no current
workaround other than to login as Adminstrator on the terminal
server or be in the Administrator group of Windows.