Some iPrint printer paper options missing with HP DesignJet 755CM/PS driver.
The "Effects" tab and some features on the "Finishing" tab of the Printing Preferences page for the HP 4700 and 3800 are missing.
Installing iPrint printer as a "User Printer" causes some of the paper size options to be missing.
Workaround 1:
Workaround 2:
b. Export the Forms registry folder under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Print].
c. Push this registry information to other workstations via a login script, ZENworks, or some other method to all workstations that have this problem. Additionally, this registry information can be pushed to workstations before the printer is ever installed.
d. With the machine prepared this way, iPrint printers can now be installed as iPrint USER Printers.
Additional Information
This TID also documents a specific set of features missing from the HP DesignJet 755CM/PS driver. Other drivers may suffer similar problems when being installed as an iPrint printer.
Cause of problems specifically with iPrint User Printers:
When the printer is installed as a Workstation printer, this gets written to the HKLM hive. When the printer is installed as a User printer, this form information is not present.
iPrint User Printers write information to the User Hive of the registry, not the Workstation Hive (HKLM).
However, in some cases, features are missing when installing the printer as an iPrint Workstation printer in the HKLM as well. In these cases, the Fix statement listed below resolves the problem.
Steps to duplicate:
2. Change "AllowUserPrinters = 0" to "2" in the \LOGIN\IPPDOCS\ IPRINT.ini to only install user printers.
3. Install iPrint printer
If the non post script driver is installed or if the iPrint printer is installed as a "Workstation Printer", then all paper options are available.
Formerly known as TID# 10092179