eDir will not communicate over IP

  • 3199121
  • 26-Jul-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 5
Novell eDirectory for NetWare 6.5


This may show up as:

-625 errors when doing DSREPAIRS

- Time will not sync

- Replicas will not sync

- Can't install DS to an existing tree
- Can't install DS to a new tree on this server

- Can't add a replica of a partition to this server


Verify that the "set ncp include ip addresses" option is set to ALL (Default) or to a valid IP address that is bound on this server.
Verify that the "set ncp exclude ip addresses" option is set to None (Default) or at least is not excluding all of the bound IP addresses on this server.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

The include option by default is set to ALL. If it is set to anything else only those addresses can be used. If they are mistyped or are simply not bound on this server NCP can no longer communicate over IP.
The exclude option by default is set to None. If it is set to anything else only those addresses are excluded. If they are typed wrong or are not bound on this server there is effectively no change.