Novell GroupWise 7
GroupWise Mobile Server 7 Powered by Intellisync
Microsoft Windows 2003
WebPIM does not show new mail
New mail not shown when syncing device (phone)
New mail not shown when syncing device (phone)
Admin Console shows connection error on the Email Accelerator
object under the management objects.
Older mail or no mail in the Webpim when logging in as user to
Intellisync via the URL of the WebServer
To resolve the above connection error seen in the Admin
Solution # 1 (connection error exists and no new or no
1) Go to Admin Console
2) right click Intellisync Mobile Suite object
3) Choose properties and then server names tab
4) Adjust server names as follows
Intellisync Mobile Suite Properties - Server Name tab
Specify the names of the servers used in your system. The names must be fully qualified.
Alternately using server IP addresses rather then DNS names
for these settings.
Trouble shooting measures would include using IP addresses
instead of DNS names for the servers in the server names tab.
Website Server Name. Type the name of the computer used as the
Web site server. (This is typically an External address for
either the GMS server or the Secure Gateway server if Secure
gateway is installed.)
Sync Server Name. Type the name of the computer used as the
synchronization server. (This is typically an External
address for either the GMS server or the Secure Gateway server if
Secure gateway is installed.)
Network Push Server. Enter the name of the computer used as
the network or IP push server. If you change from one push server
to another, the changes are distributed to the clients upon the
next synchronization session. (This is typically an External
address for either the GMS server or the Secure Gateway server if
Secure gateway is installed.)
Port. Type the port number for the network push server.
(default 3102)
Internal Server Name. Enter the name of the computer used as
the internal server. (This is the only sever name setting
where you will typically insert an Internal server IP or DNS host
Insure if using DNS that the host names resolve to External
and Internal IP addresses as needed.
Summary: In most configurations the first three server names
fields will contain External server information where as the last
contains an Internal server name.
After changing these setting restart the Intellisync server by
choose servers from the Admin Console | right click the server
object and choose to restart the server.
Solution #2 (no new or no mail)
If no new mail noted in the Webpim reset the user as described
below under the URL of Webserver/diag. This may take a few
minutes to populate the WebPim with the new mail.
1) Go to the URL Webserver IP/diag
2) Choose email accelerator link
3) Choose All users link
4) Choose the user with the issue link
5) Choose the reset link to reset the user
Solution # 3 (no new or no mail)
Remove and recreate server connection for the user. (* see
note below for configuration of this setting)
1) log in to Webpim as the user
2) Choose setup | Account
3) On the Account page choose server connection and the server
link (Novell GroupWise (user name)
4) Choose the "remove the server" button and submit
5) Add the server back by going to the same server connection
link as above
6) The server should already be listed in the server
connections and should indicate a Green verified notice
7) Choose the submit button which will add the connection
Mail should now start populating in the webpim.
*Allow users to manually add/remove GroupWise server
connections is not enabled by default. When you enable thisfeature, users can add or remove Novell GroupWise server
To enable this setting:
1) Go to Admin Console for Intellisync
2) Choose Profile Settings
3) Choose Email Accelerator
4) Choose Novell GroupWise
5) Right click and go to properties of the default object
under Novell GroupWise object.
5) on the User Tab choose "Allow users to manually add/remove
GroupWise server connections." and click apply.
Solutions # 4 (no new or no mail in the webpim all
In some cases it has been noted that reinstall of GMS has
resolved the issue when all users will not sync and no new mail is
seen in the webpim. Reinstall GSM over the top of the current
installation. As a precaution it is recommeded that you have
a back up of the c:\program files\Intellisync Mobile suite
In other cases it has been noted that a complete delete and
resinstall was needed to correct the issue. See TID below on
how to remove GMS.
TID 3862236 - Methods for removing GroupWise MobileServer
TID 3862236 - Methods for removing GroupWise MobileServer
Additional Information
Trouble shooting information:
Is the mail in the WebPim?
New mail in the webpim indicates GMS is connection to sync
with the post office. No new mail indicated that GMS is not
syncing to the post office.
Do the Admin Console logs show connection errors and or
helpful information?
In Admin Console Under the Management object | log | Server
Activity, User Activity and Event logs are helpful
and can assist in determining where the flow of
communication is breaking down. This logs can be set to
Verbose logging which will provide more detailed logs. To set
this highlight the User, Server or Event object and choose the
setting button.
Issuing a sync from the device can show you that the users
device can come in from the INTERNET side and is noted in user
activity logs.
Mail must be in the Webpim before it will go to the device,
use the webpim to determine if GMS is able to communicate with the
Post office by noting if new mail is synced to the webpim.
The Intellisynch client on the device is a good resource
for trouble shooting and can provide information about the
connections. Errors can be noted here. Go to programs |
choose Intellisync client | menu | view | connection summary for
connection logs. Under Connection history you can tell if the
device is synced via a user initiated sync and the outcome as well
as server side issued syncs. Bytes in and out as well as
changes to the in box etc will provide helpful trouble shooting
Logging in verbose or high level logging can provide more
useful information in the logs of the GMS server. To enable
this go to Webserver URL/diag page | choose Logging link and
increase to desired setting to 10. These logs are found in
the C:\Program Files\Intellisync Mobile Suite\log directory.
Verbose logging can also be set at the User level either in
the /diag page | email accelerator | all users | the user or in the
Admin Console | management | users | properties of the selected