Sentinel: Using REGEXPREPLACE or REGEXSEARCH with the following "/(, (, or \28\” may cause the agent to crash

  • 3183392
  • 29-Jan-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
RedHat Linux
Solaris 9


Why does my agent crash when I tried to use REGEXPREPLACE or REGEXSEARCH with the following "/(, (, or \28\”?


When using REGEXPREPLACE or REGEXSEARCH with the following "/(, (, or \28\”, it may cause the agent to crash.


Data ->, 204 packets

Attempted command:

REGEXPREPLACE(s_Rest, "\28\", ":")
REGEXPREPLACE(s_Rest,"\29\", ":")
REGEXPSEARCH(s_Rest,"(/\d+/\./\d+/\./\d+/\./\d+):(/\d+):/\s+->/\s+(/\d+/\./\d+/\./\d+/\./\d+):(/\d+):", i_Found, s_Match, s_SIP, s_SP, s_DIP, s_DP)

The fix is:

You may need to escape both the ( and the / that's used by REGEX to escape the ( character.
i.e. /\/(


In some case, the following may work:

REPLACE(s_Rest, "\28\", ":")
REPLACE(s_Rest,"\29\", ":")
REGEXPSEARCH(s_Rest,"(/\d+/\./\d+/\./\d+/\./\d+):(/\d+):/\s+->/\s+(/\d+/\./\d+/\./\d+/\./\d+):(/\d+):", i_Found, s_Match, s_SIP, s_SP, s_DIP, s_DP)