NCIMAN does not distribute the Key Remove IPX If Present.

  • 3181691
  • 29-Jan-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Client 4.71 for Windows NT/2000


NCIMAN does not distribute the Key Remove IPX If Present.
NCIMAN.EXE does not distribute the parameter Remove IPX If Present = Yes.
If the checkbox under SETUP ' Protocol Mode is checked NCIMAN will not create the parameter Remove IPX If Present = Yes. The exception is if the checkbox is unchecked then NCIMAN will create the following parameter Remove IPX If Present = NO. Due to this inconsistency the NCIMAN can not be used to remove the IPX protocol from the workstation during an client installation.


Resolved in 4.8 client.

Additional Information

The following workaround can be used. Once NCIMAN created the unattend.txt file, add the following line under the NovellNetWareClientParameters. [NovellNetWareClientParameters] !Protocol=IPNOCM !RemoveIPXIfPresent=YES !DoInstall=YES The RemoveIPXifPresent=Yes paramter guaranties that the IPX will be removed.

Formerly known as TID# 10054132