Unable to obtain a valid LDAP context - Viewing Password Policy Assignment

  • 3177877
  • 05-Dec-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.8.1
Novell eDirectory
Novell NetWare


While trying to view the password policy assignment for a user with iManager the following error is encountered.
LDAP Error Unable to obtain a valid LDAP context
Creating secure SSL LDAP context failed:
simple bind failed: 151.155.159.XX:636
Also found that LDAP was not listening on port 636
Certificates look fine but are not functioning.


Rekeying the certificates using pkidiag.nlm, with options 4,5,6 then 0 to execute corrected the certificate problem.
Then unload NLDAP, and Load NLDAP to restart the ldap server, and it started listening on port 636.
After the certificates were re-keyed, and ldap was restarted, you can verify the Password Policy assignment for the user without the LDAP error.
"ndsconfig upgrade" is the command to rekey the certificates on a Linux server.
SEARCH: failed