Evolution prompts to accept the certificate each time it is started

  • 3176623
  • 11-Jan-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012




How to make Evolution trust a certificate authority?

Evolution prompts to accept the certificate each time it is started


Corrective Actions:
This may happen if certificates from an untrusted authority like eDirectory is being used. Import the CA Certificate in Evolution for Evolution to trust the Certificate. Follow the steps listed below to import the CA Certificate
1. Launch Evolution
2. Accept the Certificate if it prompts to accept
3. Click Edit | Preferences
4. Click Certificates
5. Click the Authorities tab
6. Click Import
7. Browse to the CA Certificate and click Open
8. Put a check mark on "Trust this CA to identify web sites."
9. Click OK
10. Click Close
11. Click File | Quit to exit Evolution
12. Click Quit if it prompts you to quit
13. Launch Evolution
14. Click Get Mail and it should not prompt to accept the Certificate

If eDirectory was used to sign the Certificate, please follow the steps listed below to create a CA Cert

1. Launch ConsoleOne.exe from Server's SYS:\PUBLIC\MGMT\ConsoleOne\1.2\BIN\
2. Expand the Tree
3. Highlight the Security Container on the left hand side
4. On the right hand side, right click on the object named"TreeName CA" and click Properties
5. Click Certificates | Public Key Certificate Tab
6. Click Export
7. Select No on "Do you want to export the private key with the certificate?"
8. Click Next
9. Select "File in Base64 format" and give the Filename as C:\cacert.b64
10. Click Next
11. Click Finish
12. Click Cancel to exit out of the Properties of "TreeName CA"
13. Copy C:\cacert.b64 on the Linux workstation running Evolution
14. Follow the steps listed above to import the CA Certificate in Evolution