Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
SP1'>> $filename
Save and
deploy the bundle. When this bundle is installed on a SLE10 GA
device, the product info will get updated.
Additional Information
The steps
to replicate this problem involve creating a bundle in ZLM 7.2
server by mirroring SLE10-SP1-Online catalog
from and assign the bundle to a SLE10 managed
device, so that the bundle gets installed on the device and
the device becomes SLE10 SP1 device.
When a
SLE10 GA device is upgraded online from, a special
patch called product-sled10-sp1 is installed which
updates the product information. This patch does not have a
corresponding rpm file. zlmmirror mirrors
down SLE10-SP1-Online, but it only creates a
bundle of rpms. When this bundle is installed on a SLE10
GA device, this patch does not get installed and
product information does not get updated to reflect that the
device is SLE10 SP1.