Novell eDirectory 8.8.1 for Linux
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Linux
Novell Audit 2.0.2Novell Audit 2.0.1
Novell Audit 2.0.0
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Auditext.so will fail to load because MDB is unable to
Failed to load any MDB driver
Error: Could not load driver /usr/lib/mdb/mdbfile.so, error
/usr/lib/mdb/mdbfile.so: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not load driver /usr/lib/mdb/mdbfile.so, error 9
/usr/lib/mdb/mdbfile.so: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory
ERROR: Unable to load MDB. Please ensure that your
environment variable(s) are configured properly as per the Novell
eDirectory installation instructions.
1.) In order to get Auditext to run and in turn mdb to
run, you need to export eDirectory's nds path. To export the
environment variables, please do the following
. /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ndspath
Please note that there is a space between the period (.) and
the first slash (/). So it is dot (.) space ( ) slash
(/). Once you export the ndspath environment variables, then
you will be able to successfully run auditext.so.
2.) If you have multiple NICs installed on your server
and eDirectory is only listening to one IP address, then please use
an mdb.conf file. Please search the Knowledgebase for
mdb.conf to find the proper syntax.
3.) eDirectory and TCP/IP port 524: The mdbds.so
module looks for eDirectory to be present on TCP port 524. If
TCP port 524 is not open, then mdbds.so will fail to load.
eDirectory can be present on the server, but if eDirectory was
installed as a non-root user, then eDirectory will not be listening
on port 524. Novell Audit does not support eDirectory when it
is installed as a non-root user. To fix the problem, please
make sure that eDirectory is installed by root and that port 524 is
open and is being listened to by eDirectory.