Novell iFolder 3
Novell iManager 2.5
The iFolder 3 plugin for iManager needs to be installed in order to
manage iFolder 3.
Copy the .npm file from the existing iFolder server. This
will ensure that the iManager plugin and iFolder will be the same
version. The process for this is as follows :
- On the iFolder 3 server, locate the npm file in the /var/opt/novell/tomcat/4/webapps/nps/packages folder. The filename will be "ifolder3.npm".
- Copy this file back to a workstation.
- For Windows, it may be the easiest to copy the file using a free SCP utility such as WinSCP.
- For Linux, on the workstation run the command :
scp username@server.dns.or.ip:/var/opt/novell/tomcat/4/webapps/nps/packages/ifolder3.npm .
- Using the web browser, connect to iManager.
- Click on 'Configure' (the "person behind the desk" icon).
- Expand "Plug-in Installation".
- Select "Available Novell Plug-in Modules".
- Click "Add".
- Browse to the iFolder3.npm file, and then click "OK".
- Once uploaded, back in "Available Novell Plug-in Modules", place a check mark in the ifolder3.npm entry.
- Click "Install".