ZLM primary or secondary server upgrade hangs

  • 3160279
  • 28-Sep-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7 Linux Management - ZLM7
Novell ZENworks 7.1 Linux Management DE - ZLM7.1 DE
Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management - ZLM7.2


  • The primary server upgrade hangs if the zen_log table in database has large number of entires.
  • Secondary server upgrade fails with the following error:
Unknown error, check /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/zlman.log for further information.
The zlman.log file has the following errors:
Fatal Error: Unable to connect
Fatal Error: An unknown error has occurred: unknown exception at the server:
Failed to lazily initialize a collection

On the secondary server, ostargets.xml file is not getting updated after ZLM server upgrade from ZLM7.0 IR1 to ZLM7.2 IR1. This can be cause by the schema changes for the table "param" where the column "position" is renamed as "pos", or the log messages are fetched unnecessarily for zlman server-info (si) command.


ZLM server must be upgraded from ZLM 7.0 IR1 to ZLM 7.2 IR1.

ZLM Standard Version

Download the novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk-7.0.5-0.i586.rpm from https://download.novell.com
  • Upgrade the ZENworks Primary Server:
    1. Stop all the ZLM services on the primary and secondary servers by executing "zlm-config --stop".
    2. Upgrade novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk rpm by executing "rpm -Uvh novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk-7.0.5-0.i586.rpm"
    3. Start all the ZLM services by executing "zlm-config --start".
    4. Execute"./zlm-upgrade".

  • Upgrading the ZENworks Secondary Server. (Pre-requisite: The Primary server should have been upgraded to ZLM 7.2 IR1.)
    1. Stop all the ZLM services on the primary and secondary server by executing "zlm-config --stop".
    2. Upgrade novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk rpm by executing "rpm -Uvh novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk-7.0.5-0.i586.rpm"
    3. Start all the ZLM services by executing "zlm-config --start".
    4. Now execute"./zlm-upgrade".
    5. Delete the ostargets.xml file after upgrade is complete, by executing "rm /var/opt/novell/zenworks/lib/www/ostargets.xml".
    6. Copy the ostargets.xml file from the Primary server to"/var/opt/novell/zenworks/lib/www".
    7. Change the ownership of ostargets.xml file to zenworks by executing "chown zenworks:zenworks /var/opt/novell/zenworks/lib/www/ostargets.xml".

ZLM Dell Edition

For sles-9-i586 platform, download the novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk-7.1.0-1.1.2.i586.rpm fromhttps://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=i1LzkbC3uM4~
For sles-9-x86_64 platform, download the novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk-7.1.0-1.1.2.x86_64.rpm from
https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=i1LzkbC3uM4~ .
  • Upgrading the ZENworks Dell Edition Primary Server:
    1. Stop all the ZLM services on primary and secondary servers by executing "zlm-config --stop".
    2. To upgrade from ZLM 7.1 DE to ZLM 7.2 IR1: - For sles-9-i586 platform, Upgrade novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk rpm by executing "rpm -Uvh novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk-7.1.0-1.1.2.i586.rpm".
      For sles-9-x86_64 platform, Upgrade novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk rpm by executing "rpm -Uvh novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk-7.1.0-1.1.2.x86_64.rpm".
    3. Start all the ZLM services by executing "zlm-config --start".
    4. Execute"./zlm-upgrade".
  • Upgrading the ZENworks Dell Edition Secondary Server: (Pre-requisite: Primary server should have been upgraded to ZLM 7.2 DE IR1.)
    1. Stop all the ZLM services on primary and secondary servers by executing "zlm-config --stop".
    2. For sles-9-i586 platform, Upgrade novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk rpm by executing "rpm -Uvh novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk-7.1.0-1.1.2.i586.rpm".
      For sles-9-x86_64 platform, Upgrade novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk rpm by executing "rpm -Uvh novell-zenworks-datamodel-wssdk-7.1.0-1.1.2.x86_64.rpm".
    3. Start all the ZLM services by executing "zlm-config --start".
    4. Now execute"./zlm-upgrade".
    5. Delete the ostargets.xml file after upgrade is complete, by executing "rm /var/opt/novell/zenworks/lib/www/ostargets.xml".
    6. Copy the ostargets.xml file from the Primary server to"/var/opt/novell/zenworks/lib/www".
    7. Change the ownership of ostargets.xml file to zenworks by executing "chown zenworks:zenworks /var/opt/novell/zenworks/lib/www/ostargets.xml".

Additional Information

Bug 270198