Error: Unable able to create spell checking session with server.

  • 3157231
  • 20-Jul-2007
  • 16-Mar-2012




Error: Unable able to create spell checking session with server.
Unable to use WebAccess Spellchecker through HTTP proxy.


Workaround: One could create a custom proxy
Workaround #2: Create an entry in the Proxy server's ETC\HOSTS file with the ip address on the internal web server. IE: IPAddress remember to add two hard returns at the end of the file Load proxy -cc" does not clear the cached DNS resolution from PXYHOSTS. In order to clear the cached DNS resolution delete the PXYHOSTS and PXYHOSTS.SAV files located in the sys:\etc\proxy directory. See also KB 10027092 which has a similar workaround

Additional Information

As the client attempts to access the Web Server on port 1099 and starts sending information on port 1099 the traffic never reaches the web server because the proxy is an HTTP proxy (port 80) not a Spellchecker proxy (port 1099).

Formerly known as TID# 10059889