Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.3 - ZPM6.3
Customer owns Novell ZENworks 7 Patch Management, powered by
PatchLink Update 6.2. Customer wants to get update 6.3.
This update is not found in their Customer Center profile as an
entitled product.
Any customer that has the 6.2 product may get the new 6.3 product,
which is available on the download site. https://download.novell.com/Download?buildid=aLT0KiaOUYM~
Exsiting keys from 6.2 will work for 6.3.
Additional Information
This product WILL NOT patch itself for this update. Any
customer that had the 6.2 product will need to get the new 6.3
product which is available on the download site. Their
existing keys from 6.2 will work for 6.3. The following text
is included in the Installation Instruction sections of the new
product as well.
"If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the software, you will need to perform an in-place upgrade by reinstalling the software."
"If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the software, you will need to perform an in-place upgrade by reinstalling the software."