ZENworks 7.5 Asset Management - ZAM7.5
An upgrade
from 7.0 to 7.5 was completed successfully. However a
collection server remains in a state of Unavailable when viewed
from the Process Control Panel.
Stop the
Collection server service. Double-click on COLSVRCORE.EXE
within the collection server's \bin directory. Once the
executable exits, check the collection server core log within the
Collection server's \logs directory for a message similar to
Database Persistence Layer Error in CSchemaMap::CreateClassMaps at 5/17/2007 12:04:40 AM
Fatal Error
[2.5.105] A class was specified for which the database persistence layer has no knowledge (class id = 20671).
Persistence Layer Error in DBPException::DBPException at 5/17/2007
12:04:40 AM
Fatal Error
[2.5.2] A fatal error occurred in the persistence layer.
Fatal Error
[2.5.2] A fatal error occurred in the persistence layer.
Check the properties of the .dll files within the collection server's \bin directory. If they are out of date then you can copy the .dll files in question from a working collection server or uninstall the collection server removing the collection server directory and reinstall.