Novell GroupWise 6
Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell NetWare 6
Novell NetWare 6
Novell NetWare 6.5
ERROR: "Setup failed to run installation: The remote procedure
call failed."
Error installing WebAccess
Error during WebAccess install
Error occurs at the end of the WebAccess installation
Error during WebAccess install
Error occurs at the end of the WebAccess installation
WebAccess Application installation freezes
WebAccess Application installation hangs at the very end
WebAccess Application installation freezes while installing to
a specific server
ERROR: "The remote procedure call failed"Resolution
1. Shut down apache by typing "ap2webdn" (NetWare 6.5) or"nvxadmdn" (NetWare 6) without quotes and press Enter
2. Shut down tomcat by typing "java -exit" without quotes and
press Enter
3. Install WebAccess
If the above does not help, follow the steps listed
1. Type "nswebdn" without quotes and press Enter to make sure
that nshttpd.nlm is not loaded. It may give unknown command, if
this is a new server.
If the above does not help, delete all the WebAccess
Application objects - GroupWiseWebAccess, GroupWiseProvider,
GroupWiseDocumentProvider, LDAPProvider, NovellSpeller and
reinstall WebAccess Application
If the above does not help, check SYS:\SYSTEM\AUTOEXEC.NCF to
see if rpcstart.ncf and qlremote.nlm gets loaded automatically. If
it does follow the steps listed below
1. Edit rpcstart.ncf file
2. Check for NLMs that get loaded
3. Unload the NLMs
4. Unload qlremote.nlm
5. Install WebAccess
Make sure that there is no corruption in the software from
where the WebAccess is being installed. If needed, please follow
the steps listed below
1. Download and extract the GroupWise Support Pack again
2. Rename SDD\Internet\WebAccess to
3. Copy Extracted Support Pack Directory\Internet\WebAccess to
4. Install WebAccess
If the above does not help, make sure that there is no crashed
server in eDirectory. If the crashed server is in eDirectory but is
not online, remove the crashed server from eDirectory. Wait for the
eDirectory to synchronize and try installing WebAccess again
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10067472