Sentinel 5.1.xx Sentinel Database Manager
Sentinel 5.1.3 Sentinel Database Manager
Sentinel 5.1.3 Sentinel Control Center
We need to
delete ALL the Sentinel incidents but we do not have time to do it
one by one via the Sentinel Control Center. We see the
incidents in the window incidents view on the e-Security
Sentinel Control Center.
Backing up incident data
To backup Incident data before running the delete incident utilities, run BackupIncidentData.sh for Oracle database or BackupIncidentData.bat for SQL Server.
This stored procedure deletes incidents specified by a SQL query that returns a set of incident IDs.
To execute on SQL Server
to the database via SQL Query Analyzer as ESECDBA
exec delete_incidents_by_query ‘
Connect to the database via SQL*Plus as ESECDBA
SQL> set serveroutput on size 100000
SQL> exec
This stored procedure deletes incidents created by a correlation rule.
Connect to the database via SQL
Query Analyzer as ESECDBA
exec delete_incidents_by_rule
Connect to the database via SQL*Plus as ESECDBA
SQL> set serveroutput on size 100000
SQL> exec
This stored procedure deletes an incident by incident ID.
Connect to the database via SQL
Query Analyzer as ESECDBA
exec delete_incidents_by_id
Connect to the database via SQL*Plus as ESECDBA