Microsoft SQL 2000 sp3a
Microsoft SQL 2005
Quick Query is taking a long time to return data
Quick query / View triggered event is taking a long time.
- Change the log level to ALL/FINE in das_query_log.prop.
- Look for "Execution Time(sec):” in the log file to look for queries that took a long time. Example record looks like this: "das_query0.5.log:Tue Jun 0717:12:03 PDT2005|Thread-20711|FINE|Execution Time(sec): 1,735.37||||esecurity.base.query.db.BaseJDBCQuery|executeSelect|”
- For Threads that took a long time to execute, look further up to trace down the actual query.
- Run the actual query against the database, check if it takes a long time to return data. Meanwhile find out what the Execution Plan is for this query.
- If the query against DB is slow as well, find out the index information on related tables.
- Please return the execution plan to esecuritysupport for review.