Workstation re-imports into wrong tree

  • 3106109
  • 24-May-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management - ZDM6.5 Automatic Workstation Import
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management - ZDM7 Automatic Workstation Import
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management on Linux - ZDML7 Automatic Workstation Import


Once a workstation has been imported, it will attempt to re-import itself if it cannot contact its tree on bootup.


For Fixed in ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Service Pack 1 Interim Release 3a, see KB 3484245 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management" which can be found at

For ZDML7: Fixed in ZENworks 7 Desktop Management on Linux Service Pack 1 Interim Release 3a, see KB 3484245 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management" which can be found at

Once the patch has been applied, create a registry setting located under:
HKLM\Software\Novell\ZENworks\zenwsreg,"RequisiteTree" type REG_SZ. Set this string value to the name of the required tree. If an import is attempted into a tree other than the one specified here, import will fail. When this value is not set, there are no restrictions and the machine will import into any tree.

Workarounds: To prevent this scenario from importing a workstation into the wrong tree, use the registry to set the value for the import server so that the DNS resolution of ZENWSIMPORT is not used, as shown inTID 3494801.

To prevent this scenario from causing unwanted workstation objects in a tree, it is possible to utilize a user-based import strategy. To do this, configure the Import policy so that either the naming or location of the workstation objects can be based on the eDirectory user's name or location.

Additional Information

When a workstation is moved to a new environment, if it cannot contact its workstation object (as stored inHKLM\Software\Novell\Workstation Manager\Identification) it will attempt to re-import. This re-import attempt could land the workstation object in the wrong tree - for example, a Consultant may have a laptop imported into their own tree, but if they travel to a customer site and attach the laptop to that network, it may import to that tree if the DNS entry ZENWSIMPORT is resolvable. Once imported into a wrong tree, that tree's workstation policies and workstation-associated applications will be in effect on that machine.

Formerly known as TID# 10098557 NOVL103052