Novell NetWare 6.5
Tomcat 4
Tomcat 4
Error :" tccheck: LDAP is not up yet; waiting"
Tomcat not starting
Tomcat Not Starting
Tomcat not starting
Tomcat Not Starting
Check TCPCON if port 636 is used as secure LDAP port. If not, use
Console One to go into the "LDAP Server -Servername" object and
make sure that on the General tab Disable SSL port is NOT checked!
Make sure that the SSL port used is 636.
Additional Information
If the LDAP service has the secure LDAP disabled, the tccheck
process that runs prior to tomcat will prevent tomcat from
loading. If the port is on a non-standard port, (e.g. 636),
this will also prevent tomcat from loading.
Formerly known as TID# 10098585
Formerly known as TID# 10098585