Access Manager error: "unable to send authentication to service provider"

  • 3098014
  • 15-Feb-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Access Management 3 Linux Novell Identity Server
Novell Access Management 3 Linux Access Gateway
Novell Access Management 3 Access Administration
Novell Access Management 3 Netware Access Gateway


Trying to access IBM and HP service providers (SP) from Novell Access Manager using the Intersite Transfer Link. We created the SP's in the Novell Access Manager configuration by
- importing the IBM metadate from a file (copy and paste) and creating a SP object
- importing the HP metadate from a file (copy and paste) and creating a SP object

Doing this, one can see that both vendor's EntityID are not reachable using HTTP, unlike the Novell Access Manager metadata. Subsequent access to these SPs via the Intersite Transfer Link will fail as we are unable to get NAM to identify the target SPs. We do this by copying the "entityID" from IBM and HP's metadata as the PID value in the Intersite Transfer Link e.g.
[SAML 2.0 IDP Base URL]/saml2/idpsend?PID=[The SAML 2.0 SP Provider ID]&TARGET=[final destination URL]

I get the following error for both IBM and HP:
unable to send authentication to service provider
cause/code : invalid or no provider is specified - 15DD


Disable strict security checking when loading the partner's test metadata. The property can be set manually on the server where the app can pick it up. For example, on The Access Manager Linux Identity server, add the following to the {tomcat_home}/conf/tomcat4.conf file.

JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Dcom.novell.nidp.serverOCSPCRL=false"

You will have to restart tomcat after making the change.