Error: The create user's home directory failed

  • 3091175
  • 09-Oct-2007
  • 16-Mar-2012


Novell iManager 2.5
Novell iManager 2.6
Novell NetWare 6.5
Novell NetWare 5.1


ERROR: The create user's home directory failed
The user is created but the home directory was not created
Creating an account with iManager 2.5 or 2.6 with an administrator account that does not have Supervisor rights on the directory where the home directory will be created fails with this error. The user is created successfully and the home directory as well, but the trustees of the home directory are not set to include the newly created user.
If the test admin user has Supervisor rights over the home directory, the created user gets all rights except Supervisor over the newly created home directory.


The issue has been reported to engineering. As a temporary workaround, you can use ConsoleOne to create the new user so that the new user gets all rights except supervisor on the home directory as expected.

Additional Information

Steps to Reproduce

1. Use iManager/ConsoleOne to create a test admin user.

2. Grant this test admin user all rights EXCEPT supervisor on a directory on a
Netware 65 SP3 server.

3. Grant this test admin user all attribute and entry rights to a container (so
it can create a test user)

4. Use iManager 26 SP1 to create a test user in the container from step 3 and
create home directory on the directory from step 2.

5. iManager displays error message

"Error: The create user's home directory failed
The user is created but the home directory was not created."

6. But the home directory IS created. However, the trustees of the home
directory are not set to include the newly created user.