rsyncnrm abends server

  • 3069627
  • 31-Oct-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012



Server was upgraded from NW 5.1 and when going to NRM (:8009) | manage applications | rsync configuration | Branch office configuration > then abend


rsyncnrm abends


It was found that sys:\etc\rsyncd.conf was read-only AND had timeout=3600 in the WRONG location.
Up in the global section of the conf file instead of under that appliance section.

Just remark out timeout=3600 so it looks like this in the rsyncd.conf


Additional Information

Server ITBS01 halted Friday, October 27, 2006 3:20:36.164 pm
Abend 1 on P01: Server-5.70.05: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error code 00000002)

CS = 0060 DS = 007B ES = 007B FS = 007B GS = 0068 SS = 0068
EAX = 00000000 EBX = 99CAB840 ECX = 00000020 EDX = 00000E10
ESI = 00000000 EDI = 925FD3C0 EBP = 92A78AA4 ESP = 92A78850
EIP = A83942B8 FLAGS = 00010296
A83942B8 89901C030000 MOV [EAX+0000031C]=?, EDX
EIP in RSYNCNRM.NLM at code start +000022B8h
Access Location: 0x0000031C

The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
A83942B8 89901C030000 MOV [EAX+0000031C], EDX
A83942BE C745DC01000000 MOV [EBP-24], 00000001
A83942C5 EB51 JMP A8394318
A83942C7 FF35EE359093 PUSH dword ptr [939035EE]=9390142D
A83942CD FF75F0 PUSH dword ptr [EBP-10]
A83942D0 E8EB0805DE CALL LIBC.NLM|strstr
A83942D5 83C408 ADD ESP, 00000008
A83942D8 8945F4 MOV [EBP-0C], EAX
A83942DB 837DF400 CMP [EBP-0C], 00000000
A83942DF 7523 JNZ A8394304

Running process: httpexpThread30 Process
Thread Owned by NLM: HTTPSTK.NLM
Stack pointer: 92A782F8
OS Stack limit: 92A70F40
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 3030070 Yielded CPU
Stack: --92A7886C ?
--92A78990 ?
--92A7008C ?
--00000002 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+2)
002DBFBA (SERVER.NLM|OutputToString+A62)
--00000036 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+36)
--656D6974 ?
--2074756F ?
--3633203D ?
--00003030 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+3030)
--61207463 ?
--6D206C6C ?
--6C75646F ?
--202C7365 ?
--7920726F ?
--6320756F ?
--70206E61 ?
--69207475 ?
--6E752074 ?
--20726564 ?
--68636165 ?
--646F6D20 ?
--0A656C75 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000007 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+7)
--17BF8B04 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000014 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+14)
--00000021 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+21)
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--00000010 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+10)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000529 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+529)
--17BF8B04 ?
-00503D38 (SERVER.NLM|LogicalSpaceSpinLock+0)
--00000246 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+246)
--00000246 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+246)
--00000039 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+39)
-907901F8 ?
--92A78A2C ?
--92A78A58 ?
002DB735 (SERVER.NLM|OutputToString+1DD)
--93B51338 (NLDAP.NLM|Nov_SSL_library_init+6EF8)
002DBAED (SERVER.NLM|OutputToString+595)
--0000006E (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+6E)
--92A78A2C ?
--92A78A30 ?
00110E66 (LOADER.NLM|kSpinUnlockRestore+26)
--00000010 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+10)
--00000046 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+46)
--92A78950 ?
002DDCBD (SERVER.NLM|OutputToString+2765)
--00000004 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+4)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00004000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+4000)
--8C4EC0D0 (WS2_32.NLM|sHostWrapper+47E0)
--17BF8B04 ?
9287B487 (NILE.NLM|SSLDeRegister+20E7)
--00000002 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+2)
--00000003 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+3)
--97FB9080 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--92A7898C ?
-929097AA (HTTPSTK.NLM|(Data Start)+67AA)
--00000015 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+15)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
-929097AA (HTTPSTK.NLM|(Data Start)+67AA)
--92A7898C ?
002DC0F4 (SERVER.NLM|OutputToString+B9C)
--92A78990 ?
--92A7898C ?
--00000086 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+86)
--00008397 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+8397)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--99CADBBA ?
-929097B3 (HTTPSTK.NLM|(Data Start)+67B3)
--92A78994 ?
-9290978C (HTTPSTK.NLM|(Data Start)+678C)
-9290975C (HTTPSTK.NLM|(Data Start)+675C)
-9290977C (HTTPSTK.NLM|(Data Start)+677C)
--99CADB95 ?
-907901F9 ?
-9078FF57 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--92A78AC4 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--4BE578A4 ?
--00000006 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+6)
--4BE578A4 ?
--0000000A (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+A)
--0000001B (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1B)

PVER: 6.50.05

Server ITBS01 halted Friday, October 27, 2006 3:29:54.204 pm
Abend 1 on P01: Server-5.70.05: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error code 00000002)