Novell Access Management 3 Linux Novell Identity Server
Access Manager 3 eval build downloaded from https://dl.netiq.com
The original shipping Access Manager 3 build had a time bombed
evaluation build that customers could download and experiment with.
The build was time bomed to expire on September 30 2007. No updated
evaluation build is available at this time as the next evaluation
build based on Access Manager 3 Support Pack 1 code is not
available prior to the expiration date.
Download and apply the nidp.jar file from
The extracted nidp.jar file will need to be copied to all active Access Manager devices. To locate the files to be updated, execute the following command and backup the existing nidp.jar files before overwriting them.
# find / -name nidp.jar
The files on the Admin Console should be in:
The files on the Identity Server should be in:
The files on the Linux Access Gateway will be in:
The files on the NetWare Access Gateway will be in:
The extracted nidp.jar file will need to be copied to all active Access Manager devices. To locate the files to be updated, execute the following command and backup the existing nidp.jar files before overwriting them.
# find / -name nidp.jar
The files on the Admin Console should be in:
The files on the Identity Server should be in:
The files on the Linux Access Gateway will be in:
The files on the NetWare Access Gateway will be in: