Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management - ZDM7 Management Agent
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management - ZDM7 Desktop Management SP1
Error 32 (sharing violation error)
For example, from WMGrpPolUser.log:
Error 32 copying \\server\vol\directory\GPO\Default\GPT.ini to
C:\Documents and Settings\user\ZfdGP\GPT.ini
Exiting GPCopy 32
Exiting GPCopy 32
Group Policies not applied with same user multiple login to Terminal Server
Fixed in ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Service Pack 1 Interim Release 3a, see KB 3484245 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management" which can be found at
Workaround: Since restricting user login to 1 at Terminal Services or Citrix manager doesn't resolve the problem, suggest restricting users to single login in ConsoleOne so that the group policy isn't submitted at second login attempt.
Additional Information
Create 2 User packages:
PackageA associated to UserA includes 2 Windows 2003 Terminal Services policies:
- Dynamic Local User -> Enable Dynamic Local User -> Use eDirectory Credentials -> Member of Remote Desktop users and Users
- Windows Group Policy -> Network Location of existing/new Group Policies ->\\server\vol\directory1
PackageB associated with container or group of which UserA is a member contains 1 Windows 2003 Terminal Services policy:
- Windows Group Policy -> Network Location of existing/new Group Policies ->\\server\vol\directory2
For cumulative policy support with context policy setting user first, group second in search.
Terminal Services on Windows 2003 (no Active Directory required to reproduce the problem)
Optional: Citrix Metaframe
Login with UserA twice simultaneously
Access during GPCopy of files from \\server\vol\directory1 or\\server\vol\directory2files generates Error 32
Restricting Terminal Services to single login only does not resolve the problem since the policies are accessed prior to the terminal services lockout on second login attempt.
When separate users login to terminal services, WMGrpPolUsr.log shows sequential application of policies as expected:
Entering WMHelperInteractiveUserEntry
Exiting WMHelperInteractiveUserEntry
Entering WMHelperInteractiveUserEntry
Exiting WMHelperInteractiveUserEntry
In the case of same user login, this is applied in an interleaved fashion which can cause the sharing problem:
Entering WMHelperInteractiveUserEntry
Entering WMHelperInteractiveUserEntry
Exiting WMHelperInteractiveUserEntry
Exiting WMHelperInteractiveUserEntry
Note the SID number points to same user